What material have you chosen for your packaging and why? Is your current choice really a material-smart option? We can help you choose the right material for your packaging.
By being careful with your packaging choices, you can lower your company’s carbon footprint, while reducing food waste and saving the earth’s resources. The choice of materials plays an important part and it’s crucial to choose the right packaging for each product; it should be sustainable, increase the shelf life of the products and be recyclable in the right way.
It can be a difficult equation to solve, but let us try to help your company become more material-smart.
To make that equation a little easier, we at Scanfill, together with other parts of the Polykemi Group, have conducted a scientific study that forms the basis of a calculation tool. The tool is used by our experts to analyze your company’s choice of materials and can then, together with you, calculate how you can make your products more material-smart.
We have the experts, the knowledge and the raw materials to help you get the optimum packaging for your product, with function, weight, cost and climate in mind.
How material smart are you? We can help your company choose the right materials for your packaging, given today’s carbon footprint and sustainability requirements.
To further demonstrate how we at Scanfill can help our customers choose the most optimal material for the right packaging, we have developed the campaign website materialsmart.info. In a simplified version of our experts‘ calculation tool, visitors can simulate different material choices by themselves in a calculator and see what impact they have on the climate. A quiz allows visitors to test their knowledge of different material choices and there are also some examples of material-smart projects where significant savings have been made.